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Renters Insurance

Buying or renting a home requires different types of insurance. When you buy a home, you purchase home insurance. When you rent a house, apartment, or condo, you purchase renters' insurance, but what exactly is renters' insurance?

Renters insurance protects your personal property that is inside the walls of the home you are renting. The landlord's insurance covers the structure of the building and whatever appliances and furniture are included if any. Renters insurance protects your items in case of theft, vandalism, fires, and natural disasters. Renter's insurance comes with different types of coverage and policies. Riverside Farmers Insurance is here to assist Maryland renters with a few of the most common options below.


Liability insurance protects you if someone gets hurt on your property. Your liability insurance covers that person's medical expenses if they get injured in your home. If someone were to file a lawsuit against you because of it, renters liability coverage could protect you.

Personal property coverage

One of the most well-known types of renters' insurance coverage is personal property or personal belongings coverage. This coverage protects your belongings, such as clothes, electronics, furniture, curtains, etc.

Additional living expenses

If your rental is damaged and considered unlivable, you have to find another place to live until things become livable again. Additional living expenses coverage helps you with the costs of a hotel room and any other living expenses while your home is being repaired.

How do I know if I need renters' insurance?

Most landlords require you to have renters insurance before you can move in. Even if your landlord does not require renters' insurance, you might want to get it. Renter's insurance can make a world of difference if a fire or a natural disaster occurs.

Contact Us Today

Stop by or give us a call at Riverside Farmers Insurance in Maryland for more information. We are happy to help.


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